Buy Tickets for the Gathering

Doors open 16:00 to 00:15
December 2024 NORTH WALES

Ceremony - Soul Circle - Open Mic - DJs - Dancing - Vegan food outlets - Stalls - Ceremonial Cacao - Open hearted connections - Family Friendly - Non Hedonistic - No Dogs

What is it about?

A chilled family friendly event to connect with likeminded souls and explore the inner and outer spaces of our human existence and beyond.

A refined selection of speakers, workshops, performers and musicians to enlighten and entertain.

Hosting skilled and adventurous Vegan food outlets, and a number of unique, interesting stalls.

Set on a private site deep in the Dee Valley, North Wales.

Respecting respectful freedom of choice in this ever increasingly controlled world.

Holding up Tolerance, Compassion, Altruism and Generous Love as key components of our being.

Being conscious that we are all on our own individual path and each have something unique to share with the tribe.

As a family friendly event, we hope that you can respect a chilled vibe with no antisocial drinking and accept a no smoking policy in enclosed areas around food zones and the sauna space.

To respect our neighbours, we will be dancing most nights until 2300, and then onwards if you like with our awesome after hours silent "disco" fun for the night owls.

We invite acoustic musicians to bring their instruments and come along and join us around the fire!

Speakers, Workshops, Stalls and Musical acts are all booked, we will be adding workshop details as they are provided to us in the coming weeks.


Maer achlysur yma yn gyfle i ddod ynghyd ag eneidiau o'r un anian; dod ynghyd er mwyn archwilio y mannau mewnol ac allanol o'r fodolaeth dynol, a thu hwnt.

Cyfle unigryw, wedi ei leoli mewn ardal o harddwch naturial eithriadol; safle preifat yn Nyffryn Dyfrdwy.

Yma, fe fydd dewis eclectig o siaradwyr a gweithdai - i ddiddanu ac i ddysgu.

Mewn byd sydd fwy-fwy dan reolaeth - rydym yn dathlu yr hawl o ryddid i ddewis.

Bydd ysbryd a naws yr achlysur yn rhoi pwyslais holl bwysig ar goddefgarwch, tosturi, anhunanoldeb, cariad diamod.Rydym yn cydnabod fod pawb ar siwrna gwahanol ac yn ymwybodol ein bod ni gyd efo rhywbeth unigryw i'w gyfrannu.

Rydym ni yn ddigwyddiad sy'n falch iawn o fod yn ystyriol o deuluoedd, a felly yn gofyn am gydweithrediad pawb i sicrhau nad oes yfed nac ysmygu gormodol; yn enwdig mewn mannau caeedig ac ogwmpas bwyd.

Mae gwahoddiad i gerddorion acwstig ddod a'u hofferynnau ac i gymeryd rhan ogwmpas y tan.

Mae'n cael ei redeg ar gost ac o bosib colled ariannol - er mwyn dod ac unigolion ynghyd.







Food & Drink